Tuesday, April 21, 2009

How Sun Mung Moon Fell by believing Zacharias was the father of Jesus; as John did

The Unicorns Come Down!
The Children of the Resurrection

In the tragic circumstances that now face the remnants of the Unification Church we must look at the reason that Rev. Moon first left and then lost his position; for in our Generation's Overcoming in the Ascension of the Children of the Resurrection on the Path of the Just we now have to restore what was lost: but this requires us to reveal the exact circunstances surrounding the failure of John and then of Sun Myung Moon who stood in his position as the Global Messenger of the Cosmic Christ.

If Rev. Moon had fulfilled his portion of responsibility he could have reached the position where he would of being "given all"; a sure reference to the Crown of Life and the Immortality that goes with it's Incorruption of the Garment. As standing in the position of John this involves the work of our Korean friendas it regards the Prophecy the Lamb made about him as the "Faithful and Wise Steward"; but this is known to the Elect; whose Assembly I invite the reader to join in their Ranks: if they can find the single Eye to see it. This is the Eye of Insight; the true "third eye" of the Elect. It was this I was given to now bring this matter to the Light of Day; for we are now at the Last Day, and the Last Hour is of His Servant John; the 12th Apostle of the Lamb; whose Work is the Fruit of Benjamin.

The Lord Jesus Christ did not come to die even though it was predestined; that happened because of the failure of John the Baptist in admitting he was Elijah and the subsequent betrayal of Judas as the son of perdition; as has been known by the initiates of the Grail; and recently by the members of the Unification Church. It was in his brilliant uncovering the circumstances of the fact that Jesus did not come destined to die, though predestined in Daniel; here Rev. Moon "solved" this problem by saying Isaiah wrote a dual prophecy concerning the Lamb: when he did no such thing.

The one mistake Rev. Moon made was to Judge John the Baptist: for in his judging of John the Baptist as guilty of the failure that led to the death of Christ as being the principal cause of the Crucifixion means he forgot Daniel's asserting that "The Messiah the Prince" was predestined to die: as he would be cut off after 70 weeks. This is the pain that Isaiah describes: as one losing his own child; God's own Grief. The Bible contains no "dual prophecies"; as the Scripture is a Chain that cannot be broken.

Thus what we have in Daniel is the telling of a story after it was over: and with Isaiah the same telling written during the story: and no one escapes their fate when it comes to the death of the Lamb. Yet Rev. Moon rightly discerned that the death of Jesus was not destined; for then John's denial of himself as Elijah would have been right; not wrong; and Judas's betrayal of the Lord would have been good; rather then evil.

This was obviously not the case; for Rev. Moon is quite right that we all have to fulfill our own portion of responsibility; just like the angels do; for with God after Moses there is no difference between man or angel on the Path. Moon's condemning of John reveals that he still denies the angel of Christ came to him to complete John's mission; which is how he stood in John the Baptist's position; thus he but judged himself in denying the fact; just as John once denied he was Elijah. For Sun Myung Moon is John the Baptist in our day at Elijah's third coming; just as John the Baptist was Elijah the Prophet in the Day of Jesus at Elijah's second coming. But third time "pays for all".

Thus let us begin where this story really starts; for Daniel said that after 7 weeks the Messiah would be "cut off"; thus to use Isaiah's words about the suffering servant and then the glorious Messiah as well to show a "dual prophecy" mentioned of by Rev. Moon in his book "Divine Principle" overlooks Daniel and his testimony completely; yet it is obvoius to many that things could have indeed gone differently if John the Baptist had said he was Elijah when he was asked point blank: for Malachi had said the Messiah could not come until Elijah showed up; when Jesus said John the Baptist was Elijah the Prophet and John denied this it confused the hell out of everyone; worse; it caused chaos; as John kept baptizing people seperate from Jesus and his disciples, who were also baptizing people as well.

John even said that "he would decrease; and he ( Jesus ) would increase"; but as John was the Moon representing the Law and Jesus the Sun representing the Word John's light would have grown with his partner; not diminished. Let us look at the actual positions everyone was actually in at the Last Judgement; for those who have died in Christ know that time ended at Golgotha; since then we have been living in the Lord's pure divine grace; to have time to repent; or none would be saved: and I mean the whole human race; for God wants to save us all: of course. It was thus Jesus as "The Bridegroom" who was in the position of Issac; and John as the elder brother was in the position of Ishmael; for John to bring the "Bride" to Jesus was thus the "restoring of all things" that John was supposed to do; for as Eliezar of Damascus was the one who went and got the Bride for Issac now it was to be done by John in the position of Ishmael; thus making the two brothers close as Issac and Ishmael had been distant. Thus did God plan to restore all things by John keeping his position as the elder brother; as Aaron was also in this position to Moses. Rev. Moon was weel aware of this parallel. Yet ne never mentions it.

In this restoration John was called "The Friend of the Bridegroom." More than this it was the Elders of Judah who were in the position of Abraham as "The Father of the Bridegroom" as having the power of life and death over Jesus when he came to Jerusalem; for Mt. Zion is also Mt. Moriah; where Abraham offered Issac on the Altar; thus for Jesus to come to Jerusalem meant he was putting his life in the hands of those who ruled Israel. If they had listened to John and spared Jesus just as Abraham had spared Issac when he heard the Voice of the Angel then the Elders of Judah would have passed the Test of God which came at His Visitation when His Son came in the Golden Gate on Palm Sunday: but the Elders failed this test; deciding to kill the Heir and take the land for themselves; and thus they were in the position of a Abraham who killed Issac by not listening to the Angel.

Their Salvation would then have been for them to have discerned the Day and the hour as listened to John as if he were Elijah: the Messenger of the Altar. Thus they would have been deemed righteous like Abraham to have listened to an Angel; which is what "messenger" means: "angelos"; a "messenger" from God. In having to make these things known we have an even darker dimension to these things as well; for between the Destiny of Jesus and his Fate we have the real "beam" that was in John's eye that stopped him from bonding with Jesus; for in reality John's identity was that of Jonathan for whom he was named; which none have known; even as Jesus was David when he emerged from the Jordan: to face the Death at Golgotha written of at Psalm 22: the final piece of the puzzle: the Death of David.

That Sun Myung Moon failed in his mission has to do with that one covered secret and mystery that is the hidden unconscious accusation John the Baptist had which caused him to misjudge the situation in some very telling ways. It is this same exact error Rev. Moon himself consciously now believes; and which is why he never reached the Seal of Elijah; just like John never did: which is why he did not one miracle; and the Lamb and his followers did many.

It is this tragic which error Rev. Moon adopted; so in judging John it was Moon who judged himself; for John secretly and unconsciously believed that Mary had lain with his father Zacharias to produce Jesus; which is a lie; but Sun Myung Moon actually believes it is the "truth" which is why he never got to the Seal of the Living God; just as John the Baptist failed to reach it: which is why he could do no miracles; as he had the Spirit but not the Power of Elijah; which Lord Jesus reminded him of when John sent two of his discples to Lord Jesus from jail to ask him if he was really "the one".

For this Jesus Christ severely rebuked John through them; though few know this. Here he mentioned the miracles: reminding John he was out of position drastically; but John ended up losing his head long before it was removed from his shoulders; a sign that the Predestined Death of Jesus in no way absolved those who abandoned him and then betrayed him at all. The failure of John the Baptist was seen beforehand by Daniel; but it was really given a heartbreaking forecast by Isaiah in his book; but if you read carefully you can see that Isaiah talks of a "New Heaven and a New Earth" precisely where the possibility of Jesus coming and being killed would cause. That he would come again.

Thus we have the time of the End for us as it was for Him; for when Jesus died God died too: as you would if you lost your son; inside. That is the God who speaks His Curse in the Qur'an; with no partner; and no Son. That one died on Glogotha for us. Yet this is seen now; where what happened on Golgotha now happens to us: which is what the Last Judgement is all about; although no one wants to hear it; as then we are all like Job; who reached the Last Judgement first: the Witness of the Last Day; for what Job went through we all must now face: and only they with the Patience of Job and the Faith of Jesus will make it.

In the Grail the maidens who appear with John's head on the charger of platter show that as denying he was Elijah John lost his head to his old enemy: Jezebel; present in the form of Herodias; who was in no such denial; just as Jesus had said Elijah was present in the person of John. In going up against Herodias and Herod John was in actuality going up against his old enemies Jezebel and Ahab; but he was sundered from his friend and Saviour; and so died. The tears of the maidens of the Grail are from the knowledge John lost his head in his blindness long before it was lifted from his shoulders.

Let us look at the truth of what the angel of the Grail tells us; for John the Baptist was named for Jonathan: as Jesus at his Baptism was David at his Resurrection: but John knew it not; as has no one but the initiates of the Grail and the Elect knew until now; the followers of Rev. Moon included. For those of the Holy Grail the problems of Rev. Moon and his claims of Zacharias being the father of Jesus are due to his inheriting John's mistake as his own: but this is because Sun Myung Moon is John the Baptist in our Day just as John the Baptist was Elijah the Prophet if the Lamb's Day.

This is the real connection in how in Moon judging John guilty for the Death of Jesus he has condemned himself; but he denies he is John just as John denied he was Elijah; thus proving he stands in John's position. Yet there is still hope; as he is still alive; even New Hope When Rev. Moon was given the mission of completing John's mission he thought he had done so well that he would himself win the position of the Messiah: for that is seen in the prophecy of the "Faithful and Wise Steward"; which is the one where Rev. Moon is himself described as touching his Destiny or Fate. Rev. Moon's Fate had to do in overcoming the unconscious accusation John had against his own father with Mary; and then all would see how Rev. Moon fell in adopting this same accusation consciously as his "secret revelation"; a critical error in Rev. Moon's carrying out of the Providence; which no one in contemporary Christianity has even been aware of.

Yet the Providence itself could not proceed until these things were exposed in the Light of Day. I do explore all this in my book "The Revelation of Salvation: the Regeneration of John the Divine". The Seal of the Living God which John the Baptist failed to reach has to do with with the fact that John never overcame his own doubt of the actual origin of Jesus; which if John believed happened AFTER Mary entered the House was then due to his father Zacharias; this John unconsciously believed; which is why he did not "see" Jesus clearly; the proverbial "beam" in his eye; seeing Jesus as the "Ram" of Sacrifice; and not the "Issac" to be spared by God's Mercy; as Issac was by Abraham.

The Mission of John as the Friend of the Bridegroom was to love Jesus enough to bring him his Bride; as Eliezer had done. Yet God planned to have John do this in Ishmael's position and not Eliezer's. It is this fact that brought Paul into the pictire late on his way to Damascus: where he was given the mission to bring the Gentiles to the Resurrected Christ instead; but Paul did this in the position of Eliezer; not Ishmael: that had to wait until Muhammed; as loyal in the position of Cain; as John the Baptist in his darkness had been disloyal in the position of Abel..

This can best be seen by the unknown fact that John the Baptist was named for Jonathan; David's best friend; this being how close they were to have been in the respective positions of Issac and Ishmael to then restore Abraham's broken heart over losing Ishmael; but the secret is that in his real or "secret" identity John the Baptist was supposed to have found that love for Jesus that John the Beloved found instead of him; thus John the Beloved is like Elisha with twice the Spirit and Power of Elijah in comparison of what John had with only the spirit with the Power; quite diminshed indeed; a sickle moon; not a full one. Thus was the Messiah cut off. In my book I reveal the Baptism of Jesus was the Resurrection of David; just as the Resurrection of Jesus was the Regeneration of David; which is why Mary of Magdala did not even recognize Jesus: she thought he was the gardener.

That the face of Jesus was deformed has been unknown as well; this is why he said; to wit;

"....and you will surely use this saying against me:

"Physician: Heal Thyself!..."

Lord Jesus said this as his face was terribly deformed; as a Nazarene he grew his hair long so that his face was covered; like the veil of Moses; but it was actually as Isaiah said: his visage was "marred" so that none could see his face at all; yet Mary of Bethany knew he was the Christ; and loved him for that; thus getting that good part which comes to the Bride alone. In our Generation this will be found to be Sheba's; the black virgin daughter of Jerusalem; even New Jerusalem.

In restoring what was lost I have been given a mission as well; but as it was the Lamb who revealed John was Elijah I now stand in that position as revealing that Moon is John; but only my followers in the New Unification Church actually believe this; yet in Truth I invite all to read my words with an open mind: for I wrote this not of myself; but as I heard it; as was spoken I would do long ago ; to wit;

"For as he hears; that he will speak".

Who hath? He who has the Ear; the one who had the Faith. .

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